This is the First Time I Didn’t Get the Wordle in Days
Wordle is the reason I wake up in the morning. I like words, Wordle is a word game, so it would seem like a match made in heaven. I held out on Wordle. Everyone and their mother was talking about it, and I didn’t feel like hopping on the bandwagon. Of course now, right as the trend is dying down, I caved. I started a Wordle streak and broke it.
The best things in life are free.
When the New York Times bought Josh Wardle’s viral web-based word game, Wordle, people wondered if it was going to remain free. Worlde is free and ad-free, which is an uncommon feat in a world that prioritizes monetization. Why is Wordle free? Josh Wardle sold it to the New York Times with the condition that it would be that way. Why is it still free? Because people care enough about it to keep coming back for more.
Did you get the wordle today?
Well, did you? I still see some faithful Wordle players posting their scores on Facebook every morning. There used to be a time when it was the next big thing. Now, you can find hints for the day’s word on the internet.
Maybe it’s for the best that the game is was made available in The New York Times Crossword app. It reduces the temptation of cheating if you’re not playing on an internet browser.
What’s the big deal?
I’m mad that I care this much about my statistics on a crossword game. More importantly, I’m mad that I can’t try again until tomorrow. Worlde is simplistic, beautiful, and addictive. It’s also nostalgic. Not just for older puzzles, but also for a different time in the pandemic.
“I think crosswords are one of the best co-op gaming experiences. There’s something about looking at a clue and someone else looking at the same clue but arriving at a different solution that’s kind of beautiful. It teaches you something about the other person.” — Josh Wardle
I asked my crossword-loving grandfather once if he ever was tempted to cheat. “No,” he said, before adding that yes, he thought about looking up answers all the time. Why are we so obsessed with Wordle? It’s so easy to run out of guesses and almost impossible to guess right on your first try. I love Wordle, but if other people love Wordle, I can’t be that mad.
What’s your favorite word game besides Wordle?